
Results 51 issues of xahon

Can i rewrite that ```JSX const HomeHeader = withRouter((props) => { const handleRightButtonPress = () => { props.router.push('/detail/gray'); }; return ( ); }); ``` as es6 class?

Android studio (even the newest version) cannot find jme plugin on its repositories. I found a temporary solution: 1. Download version 1.3.2 https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10333-jmonkeyengine-support 2. Open plugins window in AS 3....

I noticed that build fails due to missing `AntijankProfiler.dll` library. It uses hardcoded clion-like paths (cmake-build-release), however vs2019 creates `out/build` directory. It forces me to copy-paste that dll and rename...


I want to see program output in VS's output window but can't figure out how to do that. I tried to set `FLAGS_alsologtostderr` but this doesn't work for me. I'm...

Is that repo abandoned? No commits about 7 months and no other branches

on line 20 `this.options = Waypoint.Adapter.extend({}, Waypoint.defaults, options);`

If i edit `.vimrc` i think it uses `PWD` to generate ctags and all my system incurs ctagging in that case i have all my 4 cores 100% and my...

I'm trying to export a simple object with rigging and 1 animation. Due to [this](https://discourse.urho3d.io/t/cannot-run-skeleton-animation/4205) issue I tried to use different option when exporting my model. I checked option `Derigify`...

Is that a port of https://github.com/evanw/csg.js/blob/master/csg.js ?