Urho3D-Blender icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Urho3D-Blender copied to clipboard

No bones for animation X

Open xahon opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments

I'm trying to export a simple object with rigging and 1 animation. Due to this issue I tried to use different option when exporting my model. I checked option Derigify and while exporting I get that image

Here is my scene example. githubExample.blend.zip

I'm so new to blender and cannot figure it out how to successfully create and export animated objects to Urho3d

In urho I get a lot of messages:

[Tue May 1 19:38:56 2018] WARNING: Node Trunk5 not found for node animation Test/Walk.ani [Tue May 1 19:38:56 2018] WARNING: Node Trunk4 not found for node animation Test/Walk.ani [Tue May 1 19:38:56 2018] WARNING: Node Trunk3 not found for node animation Test/Walk.ani [Tue May 1 19:38:56 2018] WARNING: Node Trunk2 not found for node animation Test/Walk.ani

My problem is fully described on discourse

xahon avatar May 01 '18 10:05 xahon

Uncheck Derigify checkbox before export. (in Urho-Blender panel) In Urho3D Editor: In Editor You file, Blender 2.76b, Urho-Blender 0.6

RADIOFARO avatar May 01 '18 17:05 RADIOFARO

Right on, RADIOFARO. Xahon, use Derigify only when you are using the Rigify addon and its Basic Human armature.

reattiva avatar May 08 '18 21:05 reattiva