Please read https://bbs.pku.edu.cn/v2/post-read.php?bid=13&threadid=16238467 请参考 https://bbs.pku.edu.cn/v2/post-read.php?bid=13&threadid=16238467 Please mention the difference of **cp** between linux and macos 请注意cp在linux与macos间的区别。 Cross compile can be solved by https://github.com/cisco/ChezScheme/issues/13, so please close this issue @dybvig
Is it possible to have non-binary boot files?
@Harry-Chen 我读过gnu关于guix的文档,每个guixsd系统都可以将自己的仓库发布出去。具体内容在3.3节和5.11节。 tomli似乎有经验。 发布仓库的不必是官方guix系统,任何linux只要有guix-daemon和仓库就行,如果我的理解正确的话。
I'd use rightclick() in GetToBlockProcess to open a chest and Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(null) to close a chest, am I right? How many ticks should baritone REQUEST_PAUSE between open and moveitem and close?