Pavel Djundik
Pavel Djundik
Ah, according to markdown syntax they should be wrapped in < >, but that's kinda weird. Would be great if there was an option to auto link without angle brackets.
I'm using Markdown for forum comments, so yes it's much easier to autolink without angle brackets.
Well, big websites like GitHub and reddit use markdown, and yet allow easy auto linking. An option wouldn't hurt, would it?
Is it possible to tell esbuild to only bundle @import statements, but not other urls like background urls or font files? Similar to `postcss-import`. I tried `--external:woff2` or `--external:jpg`, but...
> Marking files as external by file extension requires a wildcard Ah yes, that partially works. For example: I am using `--external:*.jpg --external:*.gif --external:*.woff2 --bundle` which is slightly error prone...
> Androids theme-color That would be `thumbnail_color`, not lightness.
I only see `height: 356px;` on the iframe it self. Also worth nothing that it grows correctly if the image is loaded fast enough (e.g cached).
:+1: I just implemented epiceditor and this feature would be nice.
I would like to see a list of sites which threw an error too, currently there is no way of telling which sites failed if you do a batch update.
> @xPaw BTW great job on the steamdb and steamstatus 👍 Thanks! If you want some inspiration for a list, this plugin displays a list of website after scanning,...