Leander Riefel

Results 3 issues of Leander Riefel

Error: ``` Execution failed for task ':reobfJar'. > io.papermc.paperweight.PaperweightException: Execution of 'net.fabricmc.tinyremapper.Main' failed with exit code 1. Log file: D:\Coding\Utils\BuildSystem\.gradle\caches\paperweight\taskCache\reobfJar.log Classpath: C:\Users\\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1\net.fabricmc\tiny-remapper\0.8.1\aee5f3aa66200b1b22b9a023029a08a0b5ac82b9\tiny-remapper-0.8.1-fat.jar ``` build.gradle.kts: ``` import net.minecrell.pluginyml.bukkit.BukkitPluginDescription plugins { kotlin("jvm")...

How and from where do I import the components? `Module "solid-blocks" has no exported member "..."`

**Version**: 1.20.3 (Minecraft 1.20.4) **Software**: PaperMC #496 **Errors / Stacktraces:** None **Problem Description:** I want to implement functionality to switch between different independent GUIs using `changeGUI()`. For me this helps...