Justin Lampe
Justin Lampe
Hey @bcouetil, we recently updated from GitLab 14.4.x to 15.3.x and SonarQube from 9.5 to 9.6.x and facing the same issue you described. Do you still have the issue or...
Hey, I've tested SonarQube Community Edition 10.5 with the plugin 1.19. The MR-Analysis works fine. However, I spotted that instead of an SVG, a PNG is used in the MR...
> Might be related to https://sonarsource.atlassian.net/browse/SONAR-21780 Good spot. Maybe they will address this issue with https://sonarsource.atlassian.net/browse/SONAR-22149
I forked the project and debugged the `GetXmlDocsSummary` and noticed that the following line throws an exception because the property `FullName` of the DeclaringType is null: https://github.com/RicoSuter/Namotion.Reflection/blob/33e53f600197357307599c7536daa7715e1dbd00/src/Namotion.Reflection/XmlDocsExtensions.cs#L634 According to [the...
Hey @cfra @rarkins , I'm facing the same or a similar issue since a couple of days. Renovate no longer can update the `package.-lock.json`. I'm using the following docker image:...
Hey @bachratyg, We are currently facing the same issue. Did you get any feedback or updates to this issue?
@bachratyg Thank you for the workaround. I'll use it as well.
Hey, regarding the Release notes, the plugin version `1.17.1` doesn't support SonarQube 9.9 LTS. You have to use `1.14.0`.
Have you set the environment variables in the container? https://github.com/mc1arke/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin?tab=readme-ov-file#docker