
Results 8 issues of x893

Hi, i set LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_MSG_ON to true (on node) but not see any confirmed message from packet forwarder. Can you epxlain how to use confirmed mode for node/forwarder ? Thanks in...

Hi, example not compile under nRF51_SDK_8.1.0_b6ed55f.zip 1. Add inlude path for nrf_drv_gpiote.h 2. Add config folder and copy file nrf_drv_config.h with #define GPIOTE_ENABLED 1 3. Add file nrf_drv_gpiote.c to project...

Hello, i see error after ## insmod esp32_sdio.ko esp32_sdio: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel. esp_probe: ESP network device detected Rx Pre ====== 0 esp_handle_isr: CMD53 read/write error at 111 Rx...

Hello, i use ESP32-S2 with SPI interface to host, WiFi to external network and GSM modem via UART1 as reserved link. After change menuconfig for modem ` [*] UART [...

Hello, i try build various projects and see next warnings `/M1s_BL808_SDK/toolchain/Linux_x86_64/bin/../lib/gcc/riscv64-unknown-elf/10.2.0/../../../../riscv64-unknown-elf/bin/ld: warning: /M1s_BL808_SDK/components/stage/blai/blai_npu_encoder/lib/libblai_npu_encoder.a(blai_inst_npu_encode.o): mis-matched ISA version 2.0 for 'v' extension, the output version is 1.0` also for /M1s_BL808_SDK/components/stage/dsp2/algorithm/lib/libdsp2_algorithm.a(ae_algo.o) /M1s_BL808_SDK/components/stage/dsp2/algorithm/lib/libdsp2_algorithm.a(ae_bl_algo.o) /M1s_BL808_SDK/components/stage/dsp2/algorithm/lib/libdsp2_algorithm.a(algo_common.o)...

Hello, i try build for GS32F303 `cmake .. -DUSE_GD32F3=1 -G"Unix Makefiles"` and see next errors. Can you help ? Thanks in advance [lnDSO150.txt](https://github.com/mean00/lnDSO150/files/13794832/lnDSO150.txt)

Hi, awesome ! http://torfone.org/jackpair not found Be careful with the KGB and the CIA :)

Hello, can you help me to send CO_NMT_RESET_COMMUNICATION to node ? Thanks in advance