Hi All: I started using denote and have difficulties creating links to files that are not in my default denote-directory. I don't want my default home folder to be my...
Is org-gcal expected to synch or does it only fetch from google calendar? I am only able to fetch events from google calendar but unable to synch from orgmode. Is...
" Set the following variables with your Client ID and Secret. (setq org-gcal-client-id "YourClientId" org-gcal-client-secret "YourSecret") " Where do you put the settings? In the `.spacemacs`? or a separate file?...
With org-journal.el, your journal entry for the day are indicated in the calendar.el. I was thinking could we have denote notes show up in calendar as well? So if there...
Hello All: I would like to know if it is possible to use the ":" in title name. I am looking for something like this: ``Topic Name: this is one...