Xiang Chen
Xiang Chen
repo: https://github.com/cascades-sjtu/cascades-sjtu.github.io/blob/main/_posts/2022-07-01-rust-based-os-comp2022.md website: https://cascades-sjtu.github.io/posts/rust-based-os-comp2022/
> 两个函数都是单独设计的吧,只不过都用到了对方而已,panic在处理错误后调用关机代码,关机代码在遇到调用 sbi 关机函数失败后用 panic 打印失败信息。如果形成循环,那只能说硬件或者 sbi 的关机代码出了问题,这些问题内核也没法解决。 是啊是啊,我就是觉得如果关机代码失败的情况下,会导致循环,只能等它又成功关机才行。不过确实是内核解决不了的,应该和 sbi_call 底层的逻辑有关系
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Thank you for your reply.
Thank you for your reply
Actually I'm using a signature-based vulnerability detection tool called [Tracer](https://github.com/prosyslab/tracer) which is built upon Infer. And I don't find that bug with Infer either.
I would recommend this slide (page 33) for broadening the list: https://binary.ninja/presentations/Modern%20Binary%20Analysis%20with%20ILs%20with%20notes.pdf The video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-FWpakkBFw
Thanks! That slide was included in my master thesis's references and helped me a lot. I may update the references related to lifting.