Thanks for pointing me to the summary. Sorry, I didn't know the existence of **caffevis_outputs_dir_folder_format** when opening this issue. But since > patterns view with maximal input images is not...
Thanks for the updates! Sorry, I did not concerned about the new outputs. my intent was simply to load the images that [fetch.sh](https://github.com/arikpoz/deep-visualization-toolbox/blob/master/models/caffenet-yos/fetch.sh) downloads. How does my fix break the...
The fixed fix is now in the pull request
Hi, @ZhuweiQin The per unit optimize visualization of CaffeNet-yos is downloaded by [fetch.sh](https://github.com/arikpoz/deep-visualization-toolbox/blob/master/models/caffenet-yos/fetch.sh) . Since this version of DeepVis toolbox has a lot of changes, you may need to relocate...
@ZhuweiQin Yes and no. The produced images will be placed in the right order, you don't need to relocate them. The relocating tool is just for the downloaded images (CaffeNet-yos).
Using the slider is indeed oftentimes very painful. It would be great to allow users to enter min/max value of the selected range.