You can open a PR with the following information - it's community based anyway (I didn't check all of them)
It definitely could
Some issues with the current PR, will close as soon as it detects confusables
PEP-8 compliance could be nice. Not so sure about CI, this is a very small project that should not require CI IMO. (sorry for not being reactive on this one)
Can't reproduce. What OS are you using?
Try with the command (as root) `python -m pip install ascii_graph`
Looks like an issue with your package installs, try with `pip install -r requirements.txt`
I can reproduce: ``` [+] Retrieving last 34481 tweets... 9%|██████▊ | 3206/34481 [01:02
Can't reproduce with my setup, I suggest you to try using Python2
That is a neat idea. Will look into this.