
Results 49 issues of x0rnn

First map everything is fine and XP data gets saved for every GUID (I checked), then it somehow gets locked: `G_XPSaver_Write (368): failed: database is locked` this happens whenever someone...

🐞 Bug
P3: Normal
cat: mod QAGAME
cat: other

You currently can't view demos recorded on another device from the Android app. Possibly related issues from other software: `Three new permission is introduced with Android 13: READ_MEDIA_IMAGES, READ_MEDIA_VIDEO, and...

🐞 Bug
P3: Normal
cat: client

Instead of `VM_Create on %s failed\n\nMake sure ^2%s ^*exists in the mod's folder you're trying to run and that the mod is compatible with your platform.` Change it maybe to:...

P3: Normal
💡 Feature
cat: general

Some players complain they lose their riflenade when some other player connects and joins and selects riflenade. We have it limited to 2 engis (team_maxRiflegrenades 2), so is it possible...

🐞 Bug
P3: Normal
cat: mod QAGAME

Instead of Program Files. Most if not all idtech3 games are installed by default in Program Files (x86).

Reported by adr: If you have cg_drawgun 2 and you use a MG nest or tank turret with your SMG, the gun is invisible (cg_drawgun 0), but if you use...

Since https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/pull/1680 does not actually make recoil FPS perfectly independent, and it's not possible to limit it exactly to 71 FPS, I closed #2544. In response, I suggest lowering scoped...

As per the title, having g_resetXPMapCount "8" does not reset XP after 8 maps, but every map. When you open the scores (tab) it says "maps 3-8" for example, so...