
Results 49 issues of x0rnn

This commit https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/commit/737c75b45cd042674fcb70d750fbf5ac4565a484 enabled the following server commands to be called from the server console or lua scripts: https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/blob/master/src/game/g_svcmds.c#L2591-L2640 However, some referee commands are still not available. Typing /ref ingame...

❓ Feedback
P3: Normal
πŸ’‘ Feature
cat: mod

As per the title, add ref commands to cancel/pass active votes.

P3: Normal
πŸ’‘ Feature
cat: mod

As per the title, instead of just making the @ symbol, Alt Gt + V acts the same as Ctrl + V for some reason.

🐞 Bug
P3: Normal
cat: client
cat: mod CGAME

Can this annoying little thing get prevented from always popping up in the console whenever you open it? Is this an input-specific thing due to my keyboard input language or...

❓ Feedback
P4: Low
cat: general

Is wallbugging fixed in ETL or is it possible to fix it at all? Example: https://youtu.be/rR1im0oYNmA Basically you set com_maxfps 43 and in some walls/doors you can wallbug through. Binding...

🐞 Bug
❓ Feedback
P2: High
cat: mod

"PB_SV_GetSs [player_name_or_slot#] Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for a screen shot to be captured and sent to the PB Server"

P3: Normal
πŸ’‘ Feature
cat: general

"PB_SV_CvarVal [Variable_Name] [player_name_or_slot#] {rcon limited} Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for the value of the specified variable (cvar)" E.g.: rcon pb_sv_cvarval sensitivity x0rnn Blacklist the following...

P3: Normal
πŸ’‘ Feature
cat: general

How about being able to see who spectators are spectating, like in Quake 3 or etjump, but with a server cvar that enables or disables the feature?

P3: Normal
πŸ’‘ Feature
cat: mod

How about adding some additional callvote commands? In etpro we use this custom vote lua script https://github.com/x0rnn/amk-etwolf-votexx to use custom votes such as: putallies putaxis putspec extend_time (3min) shuffleteamsdamage shuffleteamsdamage_norestart...

P3: Normal
πŸ’‘ Feature
cat: general
cat: mod

How about a more detailed team_vsay for "enemydisguised" so it appends your class at the end, e.g. "Enemy in disguise! (Engineer)", and for "needammo" to append your weaponname & ammo...

P4: Low
πŸ’‘ Feature
cat: other