This is a feature request. Count health & ammo packs thrown and picked up by teammates in the weaponstats/accstats. I guess packs picked up by yourself or enemies shouldn't count....
This is a feature request. Currently, when a player for example steals an objective the game will output "Allies have stolen the X". How about appending the βplayer's name, so...
When connecting to a full server, typing /timescale 100 in console will get you in front of the line of everyone else. Same in VET/ETPro.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/e82puftaupztlp6/szkqm5.mp4/file team_maxAirstrikes "2" should allow 2 airstrikes per minute, as per the video it happened 4 times per minute.
Log engineer repairs with G_LogPrintf into the server log. `G_LogPrintf("Repair: %d %s\n", ent->client->ps.clientNum, repaired_objective_name);` Could maybe even add objective destructions, "Objective_Destroyed: %d %s" for engineer dynamites and covert satchels. It...
Mentioned by u!ps: When you close the HUD editor open a popup to save yes/no. When you start editing the default HUD automatically clone it, because people don't know they...
After the 2nd round of the 1st match, if a new match begins on the same map, the stats from the previous round/match will carry over to the 1st round...
Consequently can't watch any demos on phone, because you can't put them in the specific folder. /Android/media is accessible, though.
When you die and follow a certain player while waiting for respawn, it should remember that player the next time you die and automatically follow him if he is alive,...
If you die and follow a teammate, the compass disappers. The same thing happens if you are a spectator and the player you are following dies. Reported by adr: https://discord.com/channels/260750790203932672/260750790203932672/1188994327024767087