Please add Signal playhouse support on insert method to work with **await objects.create()**
Hello! Cors wont working on Apple devices - cors is not working. It works only if i manually disable CORS Tracking Protection in device settings. What's wrong with apple?
Hi! Trying to add exclude_fields into class Meta but got this error: ``` File "/home/x0139/PycharmProjects/immp/kernel/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/graphene/types/objecttype.py", line 64, in __init_subclass_with_meta__ super(ObjectType, cls).__init_subclass_with_meta__(_meta=_meta, **options) TypeError: __init_subclass_with_meta__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'exclude_fields'...
Hello! How can i pass the separator for update and compile commands in cli-mode? By default language and territory separated by "_", but i need the "-" symbol.