Dragos Burciu
Dragos Burciu
Hello Oleg, Although it's been some time :) i can confirm this issue. The problem is your implementation of inheritance assumes Children roles inherit from Parrent roles, and zend-permission-rbac asssumes...
Fixxed that one :). The problem i seem to have now is that the inheritance work only one level down. Parent inherit from direct children, and only the right the...
ok, fixxed that one too. Apparently, the way Zend creates the Rbac Object is rather wiered. fixed it by going through the roles in reverse order. RbacManager.php lines 83-84 $roles...
I'll have another look but at the moment ... it looks to me like Rbac is not creating the proper object. it overwrites the roles that it created earlyer in...
Hello Oleg, I figured it out. The problem was generated by the init() in RbacManager.php, specifically the fact that it had "$rbac->setCreateMissingRoles(true);" and later it was adding a role even...
@sebstyle I see what you did, but i think it is the same. Can you give me an example where my code would fail. As you said, the iteration order...
PS: infinite recursion is beeing tanken care of my Zend Rbac as it doesnt add circular references (it does this check for us :) ), but it would be safe...
hmmm ... can you post the full Manager Object role? want to check who is child for that one and who is parrent
well.. it apears to be in order. The only diffrence from my code is that i do the second loop inside the fist one :): ``` $roles = $this->entityManager->getRepository(Role::class) ->findBy([],...
that is not true. if you go with the debuger through that loop you will notice the following (depending on the order and inheritance between the roles) for the sake...