
Results 6 issues of x_0o0

Hi, @ochococo I corrected some indents

My package's Swift tools version is 5.7.1 I ran swiftwasm/swiftwasm-action@v5 like below: ```lml wasm: name: Wasm runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: include: - { toolchain: wasm-5.7.1-RELEASE } steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3...

Suggestion based on changed repo name: `quickstart-calls-directcall-ios`

Thanks for the amazing formatting tools. I'm facing some minor issue: In `.swiftformat` file, I set `--xcodeindentation enabled` to flatten ternary operators like below: ```swift someCondition ? valueForTrue : valueForFalse...

I've already been adding API descriptions to all new public-facing interfaces since the very first beta release. However, there isn't an API documentation page available, which causes inconvenience when using...


### Discussed in https://github.com/jaesung-0o0/ChatUI/discussions/37 Originally posted by **fred-bowker** August 6, 2023 Hi, I'm having a problem getting a chat view with a background (similar to WhatsApp). The background displays ok,...