Zhen Wang
Zhen Wang
### PR types Others ### PR changes Others ### Describe Use CINN in the paddle inference.
#### Gitalk 版本 Gitalk 1.7.2 #### 报错信息? Gitalk显示一直加载中,并提示Error: Network Error。 #### 浏览器版本? Chrome 102.0.5005.115 Mac M1 #### 复现步骤? 初始化博文评论。之前一切正常,今天发布一篇新博文后,初始化评论时出现该问题。
config.yaml的文件内容如下: ``` OPTIONS: Framework: CAFFE SavePath: ./output ResultName: mobilenet-ssd Config: LaunchBoard: ON Server: ip: port: 8888 OptimizedGraph: enable: OFF path: /home/public/CLionProjects/Anakin/tools/external_converter_v2/anakin_optimized/mobilenet.anakin.bin.saved LOGGER: LogToPath: ./log/ WithColor: ON TARGET: CAFFE: #...
Is the `interval` attribute of [DelayedScaling](https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/transformer-engine/user-guide/api/common.html#transformer_engine.common.recipe.DelayedScaling) not used in PyTorch within the current TransformerEngine? In other words, does the value of `DelayedScaling.interval` affect the computation frequency of the scaling factor...