Willian Luis Zuqui
Willian Luis Zuqui
I had a problem like yours, my frontend project is angular and needed to export enum and classes, try my project, we can help each other. https://github.com/svenheden/csharp-models-to-typescript/issues/38
Can I make a suggestion? I work with multi time zone application and the best solution is to work everything in UTC. Just like the plane works, that ZULU
Obrigado @nicolae-lupei para mim funcionou adicionar o nuget System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager 4.7.0
In NLog, there are some properties such as "archiveEvery" and "archiveDateFormat" that only modify archived files. Is it possible to customize the same for serilog-sinks-file? see: https://nlog-project.org/documentation/v3.2.1/html/Properties_T_NLog_Targets_FileTarget.htm
How to reset the cropper?
I am also a jetbrain developer, I will see the difficulty of implementing the extension for a pilot, it might be interesting to start this project and collaborate together
Looking at the tests implemented in this [git](https://github.com/lukevp/ESC-POS-.NET/blob/035beec81a64442ed60c1769bd6155f1fed4b6dc/ESCPOS_NET.ConsoleTest/Program.cs#L248), I found how to get the data, maybe it will help you ```csharp using(var xPrinter = new SerialPrinter(portName: "COM2", baudRate: 115200)) {...