
Results 9 issues of wz172

public async Task Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) { await _next.Invoke(httpContext); var errors = httpContext.Items.Errors(); // todo check errors is ok if (errors.Count > 0) { Logger.LogWarning($"{errors.ToErrorString()} errors found in {MiddlewareName}. Setting error...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/46833139/184060989-f946df94-bb34-44e1-884f-a26de8586b28.png) The error appears to be that the other host in the cluster is not connected because the other host is not started.But this causes my current silo to not...

Needs: triage :mag:

Is the entity type supported by RedisGrainStorage dictionary corresponding to redis hash function? If the whole object is persisted directly corresponding to some persistent collection objects that need to be...

Needs: triage :mag:

Dear friends, I am using the example in the project to add the built-in memory stream of Orleans7.0 as Grain's message acceptance. In the test, I found that if a...

Needs: triage :mag:

I used Adonet as the cluster table, created two different Silo A and B, and according to the official documentation, both clusters were able to start and work properly.But I...

Needs: triage :mag:

Why extend ISiloHostBuilder and not IHostBuilder ?

When I operate 【MvpSummitWasm】 Into the sqlite。 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/46833139/190942924-f6e8689d-9d67-4f44-a228-5813c650cc90.png) When I run the project, I get the following error.I know this is the webAssembly generation that is not included in SQLite.But...

If there are two types of persistence in the same Grain, an error will be reported. Can you concatenate the field name into the Key? This can solve many problems

Hi looks like U are not supporting multiple states inside grains. Like: [PersistentState("RealtimeInteractions", OrleansConstants.SessionServicePersistenceStoreName)] IPersistentState interactions;