
Results 10 comments of wyu

I'd second the request for better interactivity. One stands out is the ability to pick the clusters from the row or column dendrogram. A good example is "inCHlib" package. http://openscreen.cz/software/inchlib/home/...

Hi, I think I'm hitting a related issue as @shastryvinay. What I would like to do is to increase the height of the table in a Shiny app. The minimum...

Looks like I found a solution to my own question! The key is the following codes in jexcel.js. In order for autoFill to work, I need to set autoWidth=FALSE. excelTable(data=dat$data,...

[FN06_N5381T5760_180min_10ug_C2_053015.zip](https://github.com/Nesvilab/FragPipe/files/9833328/FN06_N5381T5760_180min_10ug_C2_053015.zip) Hi, I took a closer look at the offending pepXML file attached. Looks like it has the proper ending tag. The file is quite a bit smaller than the...

Thanks for your suggestion! I repeated the mzML conversion with the latest "msconvert" from "ProteoWizard3.0.22293.189308e". Before launching the search on the complete dataset, I was able to successfully search one...

Hi, here is the pepXML file I was referring to. Let me know if you need the whole plex. Wen [FN06_N5381T5760_180min_10ug_C2_053015.zip](https://github.com/Nesvilab/FragPipe/files/9872080/FN06_N5381T5760_180min_10ug_C2_053015.zip)

Hi, can you see if you can access the Box folder via the link? The upload will take some time, but the folder should be there. https://az.box.com/s/1ar441189nakjlvdoe5kcn7vgboigzsl Wen

Hi, the Box folder containing the raw, mzML and MsFragger output is now ready. I've also placed the sample manifest in the folder for your reference. https://az.box.com/s/1ar441189nakjlvdoe5kcn7vgboigzsl Thanks! Wen

Thanks for looking into the issue! I was able to complete the search once I removed the offending pepXML and innteract* files in this folder. Wen

Very exciting to see the mzQC implementation! Are we limited by the vocabularies defined in the standard or we can put anything you have in PTXQC? Thanks! Wen