@TheExplosion Lower your simulation distance and see if that helps a tiny bit.
Have you guys tried, ya know… Installing java? You cant run .jar files without java installed. Java 8 off of oracle’s official website will work. And converting the installer to...
@123guydepressed #worksonmymachine
@CalebDaMaker Forge is in late beta rn, works but could have bugs.
I request that you close this issue, pretty please with a cherry on top.
That or you didn't read the FAQ.
@plusect could you explain what happens before the crash occurs?
> When launching the game using Vivecraft 1.18, then loading the latest SEUS PTGI shaderpack (E12 and HRR Test 2.1), the game suddenly crashes after trying to apply the shader....
Make an FBT modding API for everybody
I meant to post my comment in a different repo i feel like such a dingus right now 😔