Zilong Wang
Zilong Wang
Hello I have a problem when I using the dataset_tool for prepare datasets both from you provided and mine own. There is no label in dataset.json only ["label"] . Can...
thanks for great work! I just wonder if I am able to train this on two gpus?
thanks for your great work, I am trying to train a new model, but the datasets are not able to be access
hi, thanks for your great work! I tried to run your work on my mono-video by using: `emc --data config/datasets/svimage.yml --exp config/1v1p/hrnet_pare_finetune.yml --root data/youtube0/clip0 --ranges 0 500 1 --subs youtube0...
hi, I'm currently training your work on RTX3090 with 24G memory. when I tried "python main.py --text "a hamburger" --workspace trial -O --vram_O --w 300 --h 300" , my CUDA...
hello, I have a question about conditioning embedding that is input into to diffusion model(here are your codes): clip_emb = self.model.cc_projection(torch.cat([self.clip_emb, T[None, None, :]], dim=-1)) cond['c_crossattn'] = [torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(clip_emb).to(self.device), clip_emb], dim=0)]...
Hello, Thanks for the great work! I have tried colab version, it works well. But when I try to deploy it on my computer, this error is raised. is there...