Joseph Perez

Results 50 issues of Joseph Perez

I currently have (on a private repository) a binary application (`src/`) with an additional binary used for deployment stuff. This binary has `required_features` set. In this configuration, *cargo chef* will...


Currently, error about data type, e.g. `expected type array, found string` cannot be customized. It should be the case.


This addition is currently block by a [GitHub bug](


With Cython, performance penality caused by serialization type checking is less an issue. *apischema* is already fast enough to afford this feature as default behavior, as it will stay a...

breaking change

Several features of *apischema* requires an object field to be passed, e.g. [field ordering](, [field validator](, or [object serialization]( Fields can be either: - an *apischema* `ObjectField` - a dataclass...


See (a workaround is given). Such ordering should be handled by `order` decorator. My first idea is to pass a function parameter to `order`, which would be applied to...


**Describe the bug** Envelope deserialization doesn't catch empty forward_path. **To Reproduce** ```rust serde_json::from_str::(r#"{"forward_path": []}"#).unwrap() // should panic, but don't ``` **Expected behavior** Deserializing envelope with empty forward_path should panic. **Environment...

good first issue

Current benchmark is not fair for libraries like *pydantic* or *marshmallow* because they use standard `json` library while typical use *orjson*, which is a lot faster.

My issue is related to #281, but the associated PR (#282) doesn't completely solve it. I would like to be able to publish to exchange without declaring it. I could...