This is related to #69 You can try to go to the integrations page in HA, click on configure for the esxi stats integration and check/uncheck the Notify box.
So you are saying that if you toggle it and save then untoggle it and save, snapshots stop working?
This is available in [0.7.0beta](https://github.com/wxt9861/esxi_stats/releases/tag/0.7.0beta)
Sorry, I don't understand why you're doing this. > Would it be ok for you, if I add a fixed update intervall e.g. 60 sec into this? The component already...
> I semi "solved" that. It looks like that stats only gets updated when the UI was triggered by a refresh button. So I ended up with a super crap...
Is the VM name all lower case on the host? If it is not all lower case, can you enter it just how it is on the host into the...
Can you enabled debug logging and provide esxi debug logs during hass startup? ````yaml logger: logs: custom_components.esxi_stats: debug ````
Ok, I think the way to solve this is to check if the host is online before trying to pull stats from it. I don't have vcenter to test this...
I made some initial changes that should help us to a resolution. Please install [this beta](https://github.com/wxt9861/esxi_stats/releases/tag/0.5.2b) (you should be able to install via HACS if you enable beta releases) and...
Let me understand this. Your vcenter is x.x.16.50 Your hosts are x.x.0.6 and x.x.0.7 We can see that x.x.0.6 is in standby, so we're skipping that host, however I am...