初来咋到,若有不慎请多见谅。 请问是否有同一内容页面的简繁中文切换功能? 以及是否有同一内容页面的不同语言之间切换功能? 如Wikipedia那样,每一页内容源有几种语言就显示那几种语言的列表供切换。 如果可以希望支持主要的几种encoding(zh-cn, zh-tw, ja-jp, en-us, es-es, de-de, fr-fr) 谢谢。
Currently the uploaded files are stored under `flarum_root/public/assets/files/yyyy-mm-dd/uploaded_file` It would be better to move (or at least let the administrator to customize) the location to e.g. `flarum_root/storage/assets/files/yyyy-mm-dd/uploaded_file` to avoid direct...
* **LCD Display Spec** 3440x1440 pixels * **Installation Command:** ``` sudo ./install.sh -b -t tela -s ultrawide2k ``` * **Grub Configuration `(/etc/default/grub)` after Installation** ``` GRUB_GFXMODE=3440x1440,auto # Uncomment if you...
Very clean and beautiful theme! Thanks! But is it possible to have blog.html indexing pages under blog folder (as well as its sub-folders) only? Or in other words, to have...
https://www.amazon.com/YI-Dual-Lens-Security-Expanded-Dual-Screen/dp/B0C71LQ85X The S/N starts with **A767**Q00... Sorry for the intruding. Thanks!
https://www.amazon.com/YI-Dual-Lens-Security-Expanded-Dual-Screen/dp/B0C71LQ85X The S/N starts with **A767**Q00... Sorry for the intruding. Thanks!
OS: Debian 12 with nginx 1.22.1 Maptiler: maptiler-server 4.4.0 directly installed with .deb package After installation I can proxy to http:// or https://xxx.mydomain.com but kept failing to proxy it...
Python version: 3.11.3; Sphinx version: 6.2.1 So no matter whether I install via `pip install sphinxawesome-theme --pre` or `pip install git+https://github.com/kai687/sphinxawesome-theme.git` And added the theme (without extra option set) For...