> i have a stock image with a 1024x600 resolution for that board. I can upload it, if you still need it. > > If you want to flash it:...
I have both 1024x600 and 800x480 dumps from PCB800852 board, attached here: [PCB800852.zip](https://github.com/riftlab/RTD2660_PCB800099/files/15193332/PCB800852.zip) ``` [ipdown@x230 rtd266x_programmer]$ ls -alh 1024x600-PCB800852.bin 800x480-PCB800852.bin -rw-r--r-- 1 ipdown ipdown 512K 2 май 22:34 1024x600-PCB800852.bin -rw-r--r--...
> Any ideea how to force 1024x600 resolution on this board? Aparently it doesnt recognise my xyx-7di hqx 7 inch display and oupts in a distorted 800x480 I planned to...
> PCB800852, due to hardware reasons, AV IN is not supported Invader007 ***@***.***> 于2024年5月5日周日 23:54写道: > […](#) > Is it possible to switch the PCB800852 to composite input and solder...
Tianyulangtong, yes, I understand, but is this because the firmware does not support it, or the input is lacking something on the hardware level? Some firmwares for the PCB800099 supports...
What is PCB800851, do you have a link, or a picture? PCB80085 - you mean there will be new revision? Hardware, or firmware changes, or both?
Tianyu, post some links, please. Thank you!
Tianyu, thank you. I will trace where AVis connected in respect to the PCB800099 board, to try to understand the difference
Somewhere at https://www.mattmillman.com/info/lcd/pcb800099/ there was/is a link to a supposedly compileable leaked source repo for these chips, that is targeted to the Keil's MCS51 toolchain, which I have. I can...
Great, thanks a lot for that. Definitely, looks like it needs proper firmware support for AV. Does anyone knows what for is the R77?