Jiao, Wenxiang

Results 5 comments of Jiao, Wenxiang

> Hi Wenxiang, > I have a little question about your paper. > What the "(2.0)" means in "69.0(2.0)", is it means that the WA is in the range of...

> I have always suffered from a value error: > > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "EmoMain.py", line 132, in > main() > File "EmoMain.py", line 108, in...

> s_lens = s_lens.copy() you should add this line before > sent_packed = pack_padded_sequence(s_embs, s_lens) > @suncong132 Worked well, thanks!

@JoeshpCheung @PPC772 Hi,friends_embeddings.pt是根据词表从word2vec或者glove提供的预训练embedding中初始化的,链接分别如下: wordvec: https://code.google.com/archive/p/word2vec/ glove: https://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/glove/ 已在readme中更新,请参考。

> _No description provided._ 不好意思才注意到这个issue。 我的模型示意图一般就用mac的keynote或者powerpoint作出来,然后pdf导出,以保证比较高的画质。