Wellington Wallace

Results 1006 comments of Wellington Wallace

>Audio/Sink 107 auto_null with serial 1687 has been added It seems that forcing input only profile on your computer creates a null output sink that is used instead of the...

>Thank you for your time and I hope you can make it happen :D It should be possible. But it is hard to say when I will have time for...

>Whenever I use Easy Effects, muting my mic makes the app close. My guess is that something is making it crash and not just closing. EasyEffects doesn't even care if...

>maybe this is something to do with signals? Maybe. Considering I do not see it on my computers some kind of multithreading bug is the more likely explanation. But without...

>can you link the original documentation? So far that is what I found https://www.surina.net/soundtouch/ https://www.surina.net/article/time-and-pitch-scaling.html https://codeberg.org/soundtouch/soundtouch/src/branch/master/source/SoundStretch/main.cpp The library header also has some explanation `/usr/include/soundtouch/SoundTouch.h`

Even with the sanatizer tuned on I do not see so many warnings. And there is none in our automated build https://github.com/wwmm/easyeffects/actions/runs/5004142144/jobs/8966340274. Did you try to build from a clean...

>How can a make a clean folder? Delete and recreate _build? It is the guaranteed way. You can try `ninja clean` before doing this. But this is probably only going...

I decided to delete my previous build folder and now I see all those warnings. It is probably related to the new gcc version. I will test with clang to...

>I will test with clang to see what happens. I forgot Arch does not have the latest clang yet :smile:. So I cannot test this now.

I am looking at the warnings and it does not seem we can do anything about them. Most if not all are related to `/usr/include/c++/13.1.1/bits/specfun.h`. It seems to be one...