Wellington Wallace

Results 1006 comments of Wellington Wallace

>I tried to create directory in /usr/share/doc/easyeffects with those generated HTML files, but sadly they are still not found when khelpcenter launch. Probably because it needs some kind of instruction...

>I'm not sure, I just took the english content of /usr/share/help/C/easyeffects and convert it to HTML. I think translations are probably not going to work this way. Under the hoods...

>I was under the impression that we are no longer translating the docs due to #1108? Oh... I forgot about it. So translations can be forgotten. >Instead of trying to...

>We execute directly the command yelp help:easyeffects The problem is security. Direct calls to executables can open the window for malicious software if not properly done. I prefer to not...

I wonder if there is an easy way to check if the current session is a KDE session. This way we could do the system call only when running inside...

It seems that the environment variable `DESKTOP_SESSION` can be used to get the desktop being used by the user. @medmedin2014 can you confirm that it is set to kde when...

The variable `XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP` seems to also have this information. But in its case it is in upper case `GNOME` instead of `gnome`.

It won't be a problem but I've noticed now that calling `std::system("yelp help:easyeffects");` freezes EasyEffects until yelp is closed. What is not cool. This command will have to be called...

I have updated the master branch with the workaround. As expected `clang-tidy` complained about [cert-env33-c](https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/checks/cert/env33-c.html) but there is nothing better to do. Bringing back a huge dependency like the Boost...

>plasmawayland >plasma Thanks @medmedin2014 ! I've updated our master branch with the correct values for `DESKTOP_SESSION`. I guess now it is just a matter of someone that uses KDE to...