Wellington Wallace

Results 1006 comments of Wellington Wallace

>it must be a bug from your platform, Im using ryzen and I have 1% usage on idle while listening music with my focusrite 2i2, weird... The amount of CPU...

I still would not blame the CPU. When the condition to unlink our filters is met you will see zero percent CPU usage in any CPU. But the way qemu...

Kill PulseEffects and restart it in debug mode `G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=pulseeffects pulseeffects` so we have an idea about what is going on. In any case you PulseEffects version is old that the...

The warnings in the logs are not related to the problem. But it is still a good idea to upgrade to the latest bugfix release to be sure it isn't...

>I have the exactly same problem. I thought it will be solved one reinstalled pulseeffects and pulse audio. But nothing works. Any solutions available? @FerdyaVolkov Depending on the source of...

I have never seen that happening. Kill EE `easyeffects -q` and restart it in debug mode `G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=easyeffects easyeffects` so we can see some logs. But the kind of problem you...

Although the chances of a mistake being made with these buttons is low once you know what they do it makes sense to add some kind of confirmation. But considering...

>I'm afraid knowing what it does, in no way prevents accidental mis-click, since it's literally next to the hot Load button... It does not prevent an accidental click. But considering...

>There is [AdwMessageDialog](https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/libadwaita/doc/main/class.MessageDialog.html) in libadwaita 1.2 (unreleased), but it doesn't seem very different from the gtk message dialog. If we are lucky by the time libadwaita 1.2 is released some...

>Im using the RPM build Maybe all that has to be done is asking for the package maintainer to recompile the package. It seems to me that some kind of...