John Pope

Results 15 issues of John Pope

I was looking at this repo - and subsequently ran into problems using a fresh api key / admin credentials - I created a new empty clean folder did...


yet to play with this - maybe this is already in - but I will need this feature.

![Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 1 53 19 pm]( same problem here I can see the texture example successfully build / extract to vendor folder etc. I have spent last day and half attempting to use this code in project above....

background warning: public struct 'AnyCodable.AnyCodable' shadows module 'AnyCodable', which may cause failures when importing 'AnyCodable' or its clients in some configurations; please rename either the struct 'AnyCodable.AnyCodable' or...

am building tiktok clone - and need to speed up existing app.

Background MTAtomic MTContext MTMetaDisposable MTMessageTransaction MTSignalQueueState MTSubscriber MTRequestInternalId also - switching this flag - "-std=gnu99", doesn't seem to make the **Expected ';' at end of declaration list** compiler error...


## What kind of change does this PR introduce? Bug fix, feature, docs update, ... ## What is the current behavior? Please link any relevant issues here. ## What is...