maybe the tensorflow version doesn't match. i face some other questions lack of packages or no exist packages on tf-v2.8
> Have you solved this problem? The HGSL model seems to use metapath2vec to generate semantic embedding Z. If anyone sees this reply, I would like to ask if you...
> dblp4HAN seems unavailable now and your suggestions sounds reasonable. Please use other datasets such as dblp4GTN, acm_han_raw, etc. I want to use dblp4GTN, but i meet a problem. The...
Yeah, I get the 'APCPA' embeddings but the embedding's shape is (18405,128) which includes all nodes in dblp4GTN. Can the Metapath2vec generate target type node embedding or how to get...
> Yeah, I get the 'APCPA' embeddings but the embedding's shape is (18405,128) which includes all nodes in dblp4GTN. Can the Metapath2vec generate target type node embedding or how to...
> > > Yeah, I get the 'APCPA' embeddings but the embedding's shape is (18405,128) which includes all nodes in dblp4GTN. Can the Metapath2vec generate target type node embedding or...