Wang Zixiao
Wang Zixiao
Hi, sorry I don't know what steps are needed before publishing the package bc I haven't maintained the project for a couple of years. Maybe we can ask @aronhelser help...
no, have't supported this feature at the moment
@binbinla It was scraped from the official I'm not sure if it is still available
@binbinla Sorry I have no idea for that, it may relate to the NBA official websites security policy, I would suggest you use whatever works for you
Looks something has updated, I don't remember why I exported two default in `App.js`....but it looks unreasonable, will update the project later
First thanks for the project and your works I found my Sublime 3 can't close the tag anymore after updating the babel-sublime to 10, I did some modification to my...
@ckinmind Hi, 我搜索mobx深层变动时无意中看到你这里。首先谢谢你的这些链接,我顺着搜索到很多有用的信息。 1.我认为你上面所说的情况应该是正确的,比如第一种情况 > 可以奇怪的地方在于,打印的Object代表是treeData,这是在name改变前打印的,可是奇怪的是其name值已经变成了'hehe' 打印的object只是引用:当你在console里面看(读取)这个object,虽然是先打印出来的,但其实它只是个引用,指向的是被改动了的object,所以你看到的是新的name,这其实和mobx没关系,而是因为js里面object是ref(引用) 2.而我在Mobx深层数据变动遇到的问题是添加新的attribute进object,这个新的attribute却不被观察,比如 ```js @observable treeData = {} @action addNewAttr () { this.treeData['name'] = 'new added' } 我的react component却没有因为这个addNewAttr的action触发任何的render事件...也就是说这一行为并没有被观察 ``` 最后我用了 map 这个数据结构 ,...
@ckinmind 感谢 :) 确实第二点如你所说,你这样的话data的数据结构会清楚很多,确实不失为一个有用的小技巧。也许封装下会更好,否则我觉得可能会坑队友,哈哈哈。 再次感谢你的认真回复,收获良多 :)
@Robert1124 Thanks, it worked for my m3 pro chip. But seems it not working with python 12, so I have to switch to python 10
Thank you @jzombie and @peteashworth I agree with that, I actually noticed this issue after viewed some use cases. Usually they only have the user's email so I didn't know...