
Results 10 issues of wuyazi

https://doc.open.alipay.com/doc2/detail.htm?treeId=203&articleId=105463&docType=1 文档介绍 wap 下生成的是 m.alipay.com 开头的 url 这里生成的是 mapi.alipay.com/gateway.do 开头的 不能唤起 支付宝 App ,需要手动拼接成 m.alipay.com 的 url 吗?

```go type User struct { UserId int64 `db:"user_id"` Nickname string `db:"nickname"` Introduction string `db:"introduction"` } user := User{} DB.QueryRowPartial(&user, sqlGetUserNicknameByUserId, userId) DB.QueryRowPartial(&user, sqlGetUserIntroductionByUserId, userId) ``` 这样会拼装好 user 没有问题 ```go users...

in go-micro v2,my code is work ```go httpService = web.NewService( web.Address(address), web.Name(fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", name, version)), web.Version(version), web.Metadata(map[string]string{"version": version}), func(etagEnable bool) web.Option { if etagEnable { return web.Handler(etag.Handler(app, config.HttpETagWeak)) } return web.Handler(app)...

this is my code: ```go var MeType = graphql.NewObject(graphql.ObjectConfig{ Name: "me", Fields: graphql.Fields{ "referral": &graphql.Field{ Type: ReferralType, Resolve: func(p graphql.ResolveParams) (interface{}, error) { return proxy.GetMeReferralById(p.Context) }, }, }, }) var...

您好: 请问:一个页面放在一个文件里太多了,想放在多个文件或一个目录里,可以实现吗?


I want to set enablesReturnKeyAutomatically, how to do it?

原始语句 ``` Add(busiServer+"/trans.TransSvc/TransOut", &busi.BusiReq{Amount: 30, UserId: 1}) ``` 希望的语句类似 ``` Add(busiServer+"/trans.TransSvc/TransOut", &busi.BusiReq{Amount: 30, UserId: 1}, headers=xxxxxx) ``` 我找到了底层调用函数 getGrpcResult,里面的调用是 ``` conn.Invoke(ctx, method, branchPayload, &[]byte{}) ``` 有没有可能扩展下,增加 headers 参数,或 Extra 参数...

I use Geospacial at aggregate, then get a errmsg "$nearSphere is not allowed inside of a $match aggregation expression" because, my data is not location, is locations list, I need...