
Results 45 issues of wuxiaolianggit

Computing Graph Laplacians .. L is : [] Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 96, in model = models.coma(L=L, D=D, U=U, **params) File "/home/wuxiaoliang/wuxlprojects/coma/lib/models.py", line 1124, in __init__...

I use the insightface.pb model and then run demo.py, but the correct rate is very low, and the correct rate of the model under mxnet is high. What is going...

Can I use 68 landmarks instead of 5 landmarks?


大佬您好,我制作300w横排文字图片,制作300w竖排文字然后旋转90进行训练,这样训练出来的横排、竖排文字识别,效果会好吗? @ @ouyanghuiyu @benjaminwan @znsoftm @Pad0y

您好,大神,很感谢您的开源代码,非常棒,我有一个问题想问一下,n_position对应的维度是视觉特征提取后的w(宽度)吗?但是宽度是变化的,这样很容易报错了?大神我的理解对吗? File "SRN_modules.py", line 65, in forward return x + self.pos_table[:, :x.size(1)].clone().detach() RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (320) must match the size of tensor b (256) at non-singleton dimension...


您好,大佬问您一个问题,为什么attention解码训练的时候,都要重置 decoder_hidden = decoder.initHidden(b).cuda()参数呢,我的理解应该是编码层输出会有一个decoder_hidden 参数啊,大佬可以解答一下吗? @chenjun2hao

大神您好,我在进行prune模型时,出现[59, 64, 'M', 128, 128, 'M', 256, 256, 256, 256, 'M', 470, 239, 59, 40, 'M', 0, 3, 54, 483],有一层卷积数量是0,然后就报错了,怎么解决呢? [59, 64, 'M', 128, 128, 'M', 256, 256, 256, 256,...

您好,大神,训练过程中突然出现这个问题,怎么解决呢? multi_pose/dla |################# | train: [4][882/1583]|Tot: 0:02:16 |ETA: 0:01:49 |loss 3.2818 |hm_loss 2.8268 |lm_loss 3.1342 |wh_loss 0.5359 |off_loss 0.0880 |Data 0.001s(0.002s) |Net 0.multi_pose/dla |################# | train: [4][883/1583]|Tot: 0:02:16 |ETA: 0:01:49...