
Results 25 comments of wuworkshop

@redhoodie Was wondering the same thing. I think this Medium article does a good job of explaining it: https://medium.com/@guilhermepejon/how-to-install-materialize-css-in-rails-6-0-0-beta2-using-webpack-347c03b7104e

If students just need a place to host static sites, perhaps http://surge.sh/?

hello, hope it's okay for volunteers to chime in here. I haven't tested this out yet, but C9's docs have a section on deploying via the CLI. Heroku is on...

So apparently Nitrous.io shut down its service around November 2016 - https://techcrunch.com/2016/10/31/cloud-development-platform-nitrous-io-shuts-down/ > Cloud9, but unfortunately they now require a credit card for sign up Wow, didn't even know about...

@maxjacobson You're probably referring to Cloud9's Education plan. https://c9.io/pricing I noticed yesterday that the Rails Girls Guide suggest https://codenvy.io/ - http://guides.railsgirls.com/install#using-a-cloud-service It does appear to still offer a free plan...

No worries. I'm thinking of doing the install, forking, etc. in real time with all the other participants in the installfest hangout. Any caveats, errors, hiccups, etc. can be noted...

hmm.. I just realized I wouldn't be able to do the Homebrew/Git/Github part in real time since I already have those things set up on my laptop (unless I decide...

@abdulhannanali did you look at that Slackin link? We don't actually have that widget on codebuddies.org. I'm talking about the Slackin widget that displays how many users are online out...

@julianjohannesen Out of curiosity, did you initially try to set up your development environment from reading our contributing.md file over here - https://github.com/codebuddiesdotorg/codebuddies/blob/staging/contributing.md#the-quick-steps-on-contributing ? Did you read our documentation site...

I'm not sure if a Meteor package is necessary for this, but there is a package for Hotjar over here: https://atmospherejs.com/goltfisch/hotjar Not sure if CB qualifies for the Personal plan...