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For example, I want to call [GCController.controllers](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/gamecontroller/gccontroller/1458871-controllers) I don't know the mechanism of macdriver (is it called using reflection?) I also don't know about objective-c, so I would like to...

Thanks a lot for providing the joystick library, it works fine on Mac, but there are exceptions on windows environment - I used the [sample code](https://github.com/hybridgroup/gobot/tree/release/platforms/joystick#examples) from joystick's readme to...


- Robotgo version (or commit ref): v0.100.10 - Go version: 1.18 - Gcc version: - ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/61787040/202905586-b417e1f5-431a-421e-887b-e823c5be4ff0.png) - Operating system and bit: macos 12.6 x86_64 - Resolution: - Can you reproduce...

I got an error when I tried to compile the windows platform (Both compiling with cross-platform and compiling directly on windows gave me an error) macos to windows ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/61787040/196224893-adfe8ea6-6fb2-4175-ac5e-1c14f1c83381.png) windows...

I wrote a program on macos, probably affected by sdl2 so it can not be compiled cross-platform. So I tried to compile the windows exe on windows. when compiling it...

File: [05-services.md](https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/05-services/) I tried to configure the domainname directly, for example ```yml services: centos1: image: centos:7 domainname: "a.b.com" command: "ping localhost" # keep container running centos2: image: centos:7 command: "ping...

# 问题 现在提供的"默认固定"功能有一些问题: 1. 浏览器勾选了"启动时打开上次浏览的网页",当重启浏览器后,所有的页面上的 globalSpeed 又都回到了全局模式 2. 只有新打开的标签页才会使用"默认固定",对于已有标签页,用户还是需要手动点击固定 3. 明明没有勾选继承全局,但还是会继承全局的速度 这对于我这种仅使用此插件用作(非全局)速度控制、快捷键操作的用户造成困扰 (真的有那么多人会有"全局速度"的需求吗?) # 一些想法 (但愿作者读起来不会那么累) 本插件目前的设计是"每个页面的速度默认都是共享(全局)的",然后提供一个"默认固定"选项。我理解这是本插件叫做`globalSpeed`的原因。 然而本插件的强大不止于此,或许它更适合叫做"video controller",相信很多用户都感受到了这一点。 但如此一来,就不能以`global`为主了。 一个更符合使用习惯的设计思路应该是:"每个页面的速度默认都是独立的"。 比如,通常只有某个视频的速度不合适时,用户才会想着去调节它的速度。而不是为所有的其它网页视频都调整速度。 再此基础上,再去做"全局速度"功能,有一个简单粗暴的UI设计: ![image](https://github.com/polywock/globalSpeed/assets/61787040/33b12996-1105-4c39-9d40-9765e0019ab2) # 最后 与此类似的问题,在issue中非常常见。即使本插件没有如此优秀的快捷键功能,而只是单纯地提供"全局速度",也避免不了现在的情况:那就是很多用户都把本插件作为一个简单的速度控制器,而非"全局"速度控制器 在目前的设计下,若用户上一次只是微调了某个视频(如1.25倍速),而后去沉浸地享受某个经典电影时(另一个页面),可能不会第一时间察觉到异样,但已经影响了用户的观影感受。 感谢阅读!

**version: LuaRocks 3.9.2** I didn't find a description of the problem I'm having in the [rocks usage documentation](https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/wiki/Using-LuaRocks). So I don't know if luarocks is doing this on purpose or...


## Environment Name | Version -----|-------- IDEA version | CLion 2023.2.1 Luanalysis version | v1.4.0 OS | MacOS 13.5.2 ## Preferences ![image](https://github.com/Benjamin-Dobell/IntelliJ-Luanalysis/assets/61787040/d9abea28-d651-4159-97d1-4c3ef197ec79) ### Lua Name | Setting -----|-------- Language level...

Thank you for the plug-in I've been using this plugin for a long time and haven't changed it for a long time But after this update, I found that this...