i have a try to add basic map support currently map key can be Integer/Long/String can i raise a PR for this?
very sorry for the late reply. after add map feature (https://github.com/huaweicse/jackson-dataformats-binary/pull/1) i had tried to add "Any" feature, but found too difficult to do this. in fact, my map feature...
i have removed jackson test part. (maybe my new map feature cause a bad performance, :)) and my new solution just only finished most serializers(scalars/collection/map/message/any, not include enum/oneOf yet.), have...
hi, i have finished most features PR in my project: https://github.com/apache/incubator-servicecomb-java-chassis/pull/930 there are performance data in the page. performance test code: https://github.com/apache/incubator-servicecomb-java-chassis/pull/930/commits/4ab91bcbe3f1dcfa1b56b34b7cf0b3a35a021a49
netty的异步dns client会开udp端口 好像改同步的就不会,但是风险是可能阻塞网络线程
need this feature too
https://github.com/RikudouPatrickstar/JetBrainsRuntime-for-Linux-x64/issues/39 如果是windows里跑linux,可以参考这个 如果是纯linux,我就不清楚了
不需要通过界面修改jbr 我都是脚本自动修改`$HOME/.config/JetBrains/your ide dir/your ide type.jdk`的内容,指向jbr目录,比如`/install/ide/jbr` 示例: ``` cat ~/.config/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2022.3/idea.jdk /install/ide/jbr ```