Jian Wu
Jian Wu
(1) All the comments are outdated. We will put significant efforts to revise all the comments this summer, you can expect an update then. (2) evaluate_at_point_list() is not tested, and...
Thanks. I think it's a great idea.
Will use EI as an example to debug this
In examples, I focus on the noise free functions. But one may consider noisy functions. Then evaluate is the evaluate_true plus some noise. How it helps!
Hi, you should install the package first before using it. BTW, we have not supported Windows OS yet. You need to have a Linux machine to use the package.
We have used (and extended) Yelp MOE, https://github.com/wujian16/Cornell-MOE. There we have a detailed installment instruction on AWS EC2 with Ubuntu OS based on our experiences, specifically see step 3. We...
Thanks for your interest. For the algorithm implemented in Yelp MOE, i.e. GP+EI, Cornell-MOE just copied from MOE. The only difference is Cornell-MOE treats the GP hyperparameters in a Bayesian...