Databend is a Cloud-native Warehouse, which is inspired by the design of Clickhouse & Snowflake. Github Repo: https://github.com/datafuselabs/databend Logo: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datafuselabs/databend/main/website/static/img/logo/databend-logo-vertical.svg For more details, please check https://databend.rs/ and https://weekly.databend.rs
benchmakr, high load may lead to timeout. but slave replication is ok。 So, xenon propose by leader timeout , first check io_thread is ok.
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HandlerSocket Make MySQLD got signal 11 Version: Percona-Server-5.1.58-12.9 mysql error log : - mysqld got signal 11 ; This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible...
### 栏目 番外篇 ### 嘉宾名称 吴炳锡 ### GitHub github.com/wubx ### 公司/组织/岗位 Datafuse Labs-联合创始人 ### Twitter _No response_ ### 博客地址 _No response_ ### 推荐理由 早期 MySQL 中国布道师,从事 MySQL 工作 15 年+,从事着爱好的工作,同时也有个人的梦想。...
### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues](https://github.com/datafuselabs/databend/issues) and found no similar issues. ### Version all ### What's Wrong? databend-query config with region ,but s3 endpoint_url...
### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues](https://github.com/datafuselabs/databend/issues) and found no similar issues. ### Version v1.2.327 ### What's Wrong? Read node with Disk cache restart is...