Ubuntu20_Auto_ML_DL_Environ copied to clipboard
Ubuntu auto-enviroment
Ubuntu-20.04 Auto ML&DL server 💪
tags: lab
This repo is for installing ML&DL enviroment for Ubuntu-20.04, with pytorch1.4.0 tensorflow2.2.0 keras, futhermore vim zshell usefull plugins are installed too.
How to run 💡
Full Install (ok to run)
- [x] bag tools
- [x] zsh
- [x] vim (ycm)
- [x] user skel copy
- [x] nvidia-driver & cuda
- [x] system python3.8 ml&dl enviroment (pytorch keras tensorflow)
- [x] anaconda python3.7 ml&dl enviroment (pytorch keras tensorflow)
# install git,make & clone repo
> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install make git
> git clone https://github.com/wubinary/Ubuntu20_Auto_ML_DL_Environ.git
> cd Ubuntu20_Auto_ML_DL_Environ
# change shell
> make change_shell PASSWD=[passwd]
# install nvidia-driver
> cd Ubuntu20_Auto_ML_DL_Environ
> make nvidia_driver PASSWD=[passwd]
# check if nvidia-smi works well
> nvidia-smi
# install remains
> cd Ubuntu20_Auto_ML_DL_Environ
> make full PASSWD=[passwd]
### finished, nice ball :) ###
~~Light Install~~ (still some problem)
- [x] bag tools
- [ ] zsh
- [ ] vim (ycm)
- [ ] user skel copy
- [x] nvidia-driver & cuda
- [x] system python3.8 ml&dl enviroment (pytorch keras tensorflow)
- [x] anaconda python3.7 ml&dl enviroment (pytorch keras tensorflow)
# install git,make & clone repo
> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install make git
> git clone https://github.com/wubinary/Ubuntu20_Auto_ML_DL_Environ.git
> cd Ubuntu20_Auto_ML_DL_Environ
# install nvidia-driver
> make nvidia_driver PASSWD=[passwd]
# check if nvidia-smi works well
> nvidia-smi
# install remains
> make light PASSWD=[passwd]
### finished, nice ball :) ###
Features 😍 ⭐ 🥳 ⭐ 😁
ZSH Plugins
- with git tools
- powerlevel9k
- colorfy multiple commands.
- memory commands typed before and recommend command when you type.
python3 & c/c++ prompt word
c/c++: [ESC] auto grammar test
Bag tools
- tools
- tmux
- htop
- curl
- net-tools
- docker.io
- gcc/g++
- apache2
- openssh
- firewall
- allow OpenSSH & Apache2
- start ufw firewall
Nvidia & Cuda
- nvidia-driver 440
- cuda 10.2
- system python3.8 & anaconda python3.7
System python3.8 packages installed
Anaconda python3.7 packages installed
~~Additional auto install scripts 🥱 🎉~~
~~Disk quota~~
Problem shooting 😨 😭
1. powerline font on windows 8.10 not support perfect
[download dejavu font] install DejaVuSans.ttf or DejaVuSansMono.ttf
2. powerline font on ubuntu18&20 not support perfect
Install the powerline font: https://github.com/powerline/fonts change font to "Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline Regular"
3. install cuda: NO_PUBLICKEY F60F4B3D7FA2AF80
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key F60F4B3D7FA2AF80
4. vim mode can't past clipboard
=> [shift] + right mouse click = paste
5. where is my python3
- system python3.8
- anaconda python3.7 if activated
6. where is my pip & pip3
- pip3 : system
- pip : anaconda
7. old version (before 2020/01/24) SSH connect so slow
bug: motd get ip-address to slow
sudo vim /etc/update-motd.d/myMotd comment line 22 (IP Address ...), which cause long time