Hi, I do not know whether you have set `opt.views=2`. If you want to training and testing using two view (satellite->drone), you can refer to this link https://github.com/layumi/University1652-Baseline/issues/12#issuecomment-728740042. In short,...
Hello. For the first problem, you do not need to care about the prompt. The prompt is caused by the dataset. For the second problem, it is also normal for...
I am sorry and I do not know how to solve this problem. I also encountered this error and I re-downloaded this dataset at that time to solve this error....
Hello, You can try to use heatmap.py to extract heatmap. The script of draw_cam.py may be not work, and I forgot to delete it.
I did not divide the dataset. In this experiment. I use "--scale_test" in test.py and select a fixed image index to denote Long or Middle or Short. The indxe=0, index=36...
SAFA+ours is re-implemented using Tensorflow. I will publish the relative code in the later.
At that time, I tried to reproduce SAFA using pytorch, but the result I got was not as good as the source code. You can ignore these commented codes
@BingY998 You can find the image_folder.py from the following link. https://hdueducn-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/wongtyu_hdu_edu_cn/EWZpi0S_jZVMpkwKXejoVI0BKLtKrpBug5Q0Fpv9rrlCMA?e=UY2LJ1
You can get the trained model from the following link. https://hdueducn-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/wongtyu_hdu_edu_cn/EX8OT2LkuStFkJHPgKAhlBoBy7Boo70f4DGtperJXJLfVw?e=0g40l2