Will Townsend
Will Townsend
Thanks for testing - to clarify, which version of OBS Studio are you using @dungi?
Interesting, thanks for that @dungi! One last thing - was there anything of interest in the OBS Studio Log File explaining why it wouldn't load?
Thank you - that should be enough for me to go on to figure it out. I bet that I've built the plugin pointing at the wrong branch of OBS...
Yep, it should fix the issue! I've been hoping that I can rebase the plugin on the new https://github.com/obsproject/obs-plugintemplate project so that we don't have to worry about my arcane...
For people on the OBS Studio 28.0 Beta, I've cut a new build that works - https://github.com/wtsnz/obs-ios-camera-source/releases/tag/v2.9.2 It's not perfect on Windows right now, at least on my computer. It's...
Thanks @kolorfilm I'm on it; it looks like the latest beta of OBS Studio have updated dependencies. I'll take another look at it this week and get a new build...
Hey! Could you let me know: - Your operating system - which version of OBS Studio you're running - which version of the ios-camera-source plugin you're using I do know...
If you're on Windows please try the latest v2.9.3 release - https://github.com/wtsnz/obs-ios-camera-source/releases/tag/v2.9.3
Thanks for the report @anadenatchos - I'm looking into it. Did you use the Windows Installer, or manually install it from the zip file?
I'll have to see if there is a way to submit the executable to MS to whitelist, or whether I need to sign the binary as part of the release...