duplicate, see pacoguzman's ticket
Are you trying to get your app started? You can check out https://github.com/wtn/couchdb_model_skeleton but be warned, I am not an insider and I am not following the latest develoments regarding...
The configuration options are different depending on how you start falcon. I was able to set the path to certificates for `falcon serve` by monkey-patching the localhost gem with the...
Note that `OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#ssl_version=` is [deprecated](https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.5.1/libdoc/openssl/rdoc/OpenSSL/SSL/SSLContext.html#method-i-ssl_version-3D) in favor of `min_version` and `max_version`. `falcon serve` works without any configuration, but `falcon host` gives me TLS errors. Here's the curl output: ``` %...
My operating system is `darwin19.2`. Here's my updated `falcon host` config file, which also does not work. The `endpoint` line is needed to force falcon to bind with TCP. Without...
I tried again with a clean setup on darwin18 and had the same outcome. No TLS under `falcon host`, and self-signed certificates only under `falcon virtual`. I can successfully use...
I'm on falcon 0.34.5, but I see that you've worked on related code since then. Sorry, I thought I had updated more recently. I'll test on the current release and...
I got `falcon virtual` to work under version 0.34.5 using `supervisor`. Under this setup, my `:tls` configuration block causes `Errno::EISDIR` exceptions so I removed it and use the default certificate...
I was using incorrect syntax. With corrected syntax, I am able to override the configuration. Thank you.
As of Unicode 10.0, the last character in this block is 鿪 U+9FEA (decimal 40938).