William Travis Jones
William Travis Jones
I generally do it like this to target a specific folder in the module (I haven't tried nested modules): ``` $script:moduleRoot = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path # Dot source functions "$script:moduleRoot\functions\*.ps1"...
Wouldn't you still need to dot source while in development mode to pull in the functions? My dev cycle tends to be like this (when not running tests), but then...
That makes sense, but do you have any examples? I am always looking for ways to streamline my process.
Thanks for sharing. I was not aware of PowerShellGuard. This is starting to make me think of Python Cookie Cutter: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter. What you are demonstrating is the beginnings of the...
Wouldn’t debugging and breakpoints be an issue if the functions are copied to the psm1?
I might find that annoying, but then again, the VS Code debugger crashes PS so often that I rarely use it. Dot sourcing is popular enough to the point that...
>You're mistaking "what everyone does" for "what everyone should do" I'm not saying that everyone should do it. As a module author, I look at other successful modules for structural...