Taylor Holliday

Results 75 issues of Taylor Holliday

For Core Data, there's an entire programming guide for data migration and versioning: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CoreDataVersioning/Articles/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40004399-CH1-SW1 Does hiberlite support any sort of data migration between schemas? What sort of approach should I...

I'm noticing some tearing while scrolling on macOS. Perhaps this is an SDL issue, since even if the frame rate is low, it shouldn't tear if vsync is enabled. I...

To reproduce run `testFileLength` in the `file-length-bug` branch (in `AVAudioPCMBufferTests.swift`). The test file I'm using is 32768 samples long according to Audacity and AVAudioFile. When I call toFloatChannelData, I get...

In `AudioKitSynthOne/Manager/Manager+callbacks.swift`, retain loops are created by the callbacks. Search for `callback = {` in your codebase and you'll find more. The callbacks need to be of the form ```...


See here: http://lalrpop.github.io/lalrpop/lexer_tutorial/index.html

I was looking into using references instead of passing around a context, and it seems tricky. Just wanted to record somewhere how far I got. This is close, but doesn't...

Following Xilem, try to make a statically typed state tree. If successful, this will eliminate the use of `dyn Any` in `Context`.

Use https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook Some initial stuff is in https://github.com/audulus/rui/tree/main/docs

good first issue

See https://eugenkiss.github.io/7guis/