Tao Wu

Results 8 issues of Tao Wu

Hi, When I set the `num_iteration` is 50, the actual running iteration is more than 50: ```{python} config = dict() config["optimizer"] = "Bayesian" config["num_iteration"] = 50 tuner = Tuner(HYPERPARAMETERS, objective=run_one_training,...

Hi, When I installed the package from source (download from Github), the error has occoured: ```{r} > install.packages("~/software/leiden/",repos=NULL,type="source") Installing package into ‘/home/data/public/R/library’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) * installing *source* package...

### Issue 内容 你好, 在使用主题时,代码块中有些字符显示不正常,比如引号被渲染成 `&quot`: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/39486023/229832690-b1aebde4-58c2-47f3-956c-6ea831e60f87.png) 但是在编辑器中显示正常: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/39486023/229833173-ab5ec79a-9af1-4eac-aed4-2d1d2d669620.png) 我使用的编辑器是 WP Githuber MD 插件

Hi, When I run following pipeline: ``` nextflow run /public/slst/home/wutao2/nf-core-sarek-3.1.1/workflow/ --input /public/slst/home/wutao2/sun_data/nf_pipeline/KAPA/Non_PDX/non_pdx_kapa.csv --outdir /public/slst/home/wutao2/sun_data/nf_pipeline/KAPA/Non_PDX/output --genome GATK.GRCh38 -profile singularity --wes --tools mutect2,merge --only_paired_variant_calling --max_cpus 36 --max_memory '128.GB' --save_mapped --save_output_as_bam --igenomes_base /public/slst/home/wutao2/aws-igenomes/igenomes...

Hi, I want to get the electrostatic potential for every 3D grid point and used the APBS tools, the following is the input file: ``` read mol pqr egfr.pqr end...

Hi, When I run the docker: ``` docker pull jaspershen/tidymass:latest sudo docker run -e PASSWORD=tidymass -v /home/data/sda/wt/tidymass:/home/rstudio/ -p 8788:8787 jaspershen/tidymass:latest ``` And set the MobaXterm: ![image](https://github.com/tidymass/tidymass/assets/39486023/c5080f14-bf39-407f-806a-52fda5cb2624) It can not log...

Hi, Thank you for offering this tool. I download the docker and run it , but some error happened: ``` docker build . docker run -it 5e3054ed0944 /bin/bash ``` ```...

Hi, Thanks for your tools. When I used transId to transform gene ids, I found that this tool sometimes works fine, but sometimes it gives an error: ``` ec