Thank you to all who have taken the time and effort to develop Boxstarter and Chocolatey! We are having some issues with Server 2016 Core and Nano: Server 2016 Nano...
Thanks to all who have taken the time and effort to develop Boxstarter and Chocolatey! We are having some issues with Server 2016 Core and Nano: In Create-BoxstarterTask.ps1 the call...
Hello, I recently updated RoboSharp to 1.2.8 from 1,2,5 and am noticing that an exception is being thrown from RoboShrap on application startup: System.NotSupportedException: 'No data is available for encoding...
Hello, we are migrating our applications to .NET 6, which rely on this library. Is there any plans to update this project to also include targeting .NET 6?