my command is: ./gor --input-raw :8456 --output-http "http://{dest ip}:8456" --http-set-param type=normal --http-set-header "XCDN-IP:" --output-http-redirects 2 --verbose 2
my version is: Current Version: v1.3.0 the issue appers each time
if not add --http-set-param and -http-set-header, it can not realize my aim
I try to run without --http-set-param and -http-set-header, it is ok
> > if not add --http-set-param and -http-set-header, it can not realize my aim > > I just want to double-check if it will fix the errors, and confirm my...
> It feels so. It will take a few days to investigate and fix. OK, thank you very much, best wishes~
> It feels so. It will take a few days to investigate and fix. HI, if the bug fixed? wait your reply, thank you~
> it was caused by some malformed HTTP request headers there, e.g. ... X-MALFORMED-HEADER1:\n ... while matching the position for header "X-MALFORMED-HEADER1" in func header() in proto/proto.go, the OOB access...